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Oceans Week

 June 8-15th 2020

Celebrate the St. Lawrence River and the Oceans with us,

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What is World Oceans Day?

The ocean produces 50% of the air we breathe, covers 70% of our planet, absorbs about 30% of the CO2 produced by humans and mitigates the impacts of global warming, feeds more than 3 billion people on earth and is an unlimited source of inspiration.  

Coordinated and promoted internationally since 2002, World Oceans Day is an annual celebration on 8 June and a year-round call to action for ocean conservation. Since 2009, World Oceans Day has also been officially recognized by the United Nations. This celebration of our ocean brings together organizations and individuals from schools, universities, aquariums, zoos, businesses and others, including divers, surfers, sailors, communities, governments, marine, recreational and tourism industries.

The ocean is the defining ecosystem on the planet and plays a vital role in the well-being of life on earth. A better understanding and appreciation of the ocean benefits all aspects of life. Canada borders three oceans, the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific, making us the nation with the longest coastline in the world! In addition, the St. Lawrence River stretching from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of St. Lawrence is a very important seaway up the Atlantic, both economically and environmentally! In Quebec, as a society upstream of the Atlantic, our role and impact on the health of the oceans is great.  

From June 8 to 15, 2020, the Blue Organization presents the first edition of Virtual Oceans week, with a wide range of exclusive content available online. A foretaste of the celebration of the decade for the oceans, which will be launched on June 8, 2021 in Montreal. 



In Quebec, both north and south,

all along the waterway and its multiple rivers,

our role and impact on

the health of the oceans are great.


To make people discover our marine and maritime environment, to awaken and raise

knowledge of the river and the oceans.


We protect what we love



In Quebec, both north and south,

all along the waterway and its multiple rivers,

our role and impact on

the health of the oceans are great.


To make people discover our marine and maritime environment, to awaken and raise

knowledge of the river and the oceans.


We protect what we love



À visionner



An animated short film on the importance of preserving our oceans and the biodiversity that composes them.


The oceans cover more than two thirds of the surface of our planet. The value that humans place on the marine world goes far beyond biodiversity - it supports the lives of more than a billion people.

A film by Dan Stein

Narration by Michelle Falanga

1 min 48 sec


From June 8 to 15 2020,

it's a virtual meeting

for the first edition

of Oceans Week.

Our virtual line up


Saviez-vous que le Canada possède

le plus de littoraux au monde ? 

Oceans Day was inspired by an event organized on June 8, 1992 by the Oceans Institute of Canada and supported by the Canadian government: "Oceans Day at the World Forum of the Blue Planet". The program included international experts, opinion leaders and people able to speak about the contribution of the oceans to the maintenance of the blue planet. Was first declared on June 8, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro at the World Forum , a side event to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) which gave non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society the opportunity to express their views on environmental issues.


Canada's Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans are an integral part of our identity as a nation. They are central to the lifestyle and livelihoods of many communities, and are considered an essential resource by all Canadians.





"World Oceans Day reminds us of the role we all play in conserving and protecting this vital resource."

- From


The decade for the oceans 2021-2030


The year 2021 will be the start of a decade that will make history: the United Nations has announced the Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). This initiative aims to mobilize the scientific community, political decision-makers, businesses, and civil society around a common program of research and technological innovation.


The proclamation of this Decade is the culmination of efforts by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO to promote international cooperation in the field of ocean sciences. It will coordinate research programs, observation systems, capacity development, maritime spatial planning and reduction of marine risks in order to improve the management of resources in the ocean and coastal areas.




Sustainable development target: objective 14


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development


The prudent management of this vital global resource is a key element for a sustainable future. However, at present, coastal waters are continuously deteriorating due to pollution and ocean acidification has a confrontational effect on the functioning of ecosystems and biodiversity. It also has a negative impact on artisanal fishing.


Marine protected areas must be managed effectively and provided with sufficient resources, and regulations must be put in place to reduce overfishing, marine pollution and ocean acidification.

Vous voulez devenir partenaire? ​

Collaborer à la Semaine Mondiale des Océans, qui se tiendra à Montréal en juin 2021, c’est contribuer à l’avenir de notre planète!

Il y a différentes manières de faire de la Semaine Mondiale des Océans à Montréal (World Oceans week MTL) un grand succès.

Vous pouvez devenir partenaire soit par un apport financier, une aide dans la promotion de nos événements, ou dans l’organisation d’une activité.



Votre collaboration est grandement appréciée!


To discover more

Our partners and collaborators


Do you want to become a partner?


Collaborating in World Oceans Week, which will be held in Montreal in June 2021, is contributing to the future of our planet!

There are different ways to make World Oceans Week MTL in Montreal a great success. You can become a partner either by a financial contribution, an aid in the promotion of our events, or in the organization of an activity.



Your collaboration is greatly appreciated!

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Our partners and collaborators

Merci Bonsoir

Apnea City

WWF Canada

Le grand nettoyage des rivages canadiens

Mission 100 tonnes

Stratégies Saint-Laurent

Operation Rich Coast


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100% of donations directly support our environmental initiatives, our education and communication campaigns, and research and development.
A contribution that makes a difference for the planet!

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© 2018 The Blue Organization
© 2018 The Blue Organization
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